Tennessee Valley Authority Hires Southern Radar Imaging for Rebar Location Project
Tennessee Valley Authority is the nation’s largest public power company. TVA had started a project to install a new oil and water separating system within their Wheeler Dam plant in Northern Alabama . In order to install the pipe hangers inside the hydro-electric facility, holes were drilled into the concrete about an inch in diameter near the existing pipe gallery. While drilling, TVA would often accidentally hit the rebar embedded within the concrete. Puncturing the rebar could compromise the structural integrity of the facility and this had to be avoided. TVA called-in Southern Radar Imaging to help locate the embedded rebar and guide the drilling.
Southern Radar Imaging received the call for the job on Wednesday, September 26th. They were on the job the very next day and completed work that Friday. Southern Radar Imaging used the radar detection assistance of an SRI 3000, 1500 MHz antenna which they pulled across the concrete walls to locate the precise location of the rebar. Southern Radar Imaging’s efforts minimized the pipe gallery’s installation time by taking the guesswork out of the drilling process.
For TVA this was a time sensitive project that was expedited with the help of Southern Radar Imaging. TVA needed to get this completed before the end of the fiscal year and SRI delivered thanks to Southern Radar Imaging's own Mattew Wilbanks and Kevin Jones.

References (22)
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